Clean & Modern Layout, Hazel is packaged with awesome features, unlimited customizability, built-in mega menu, full WooCommerce design integration, and a super clean design, for minimal lovers.


PO Box 16122 Collins Street West Victoria 8007 Australia

(+23) 345 322 233

There are 53 million freelancers in the US today, of which only 40% are independent contractors.  The other 60% are moonlighters (professionals with a primary job who also freelance on the side), diversified workers who have multiple sources of income from employment and freelancing and temporary workers (usually on fixed term or project-based contracts)i.   This means that employers have a smaller and smaller ‘permanent’ workforce that is willing to be told where, how and when to work, even during the current cycle of restructuring and retrenchments. This suggests that the demand for co-working offices and other alterntive workplaces is here to stay.